22.05.18 1811

ALAI Canada 웨비나 행사 공지 [일정: 5월26일]

ALAI 캐나다에서 "The Copyright Year in Review​"라는 주제로 5월 26일 12시부터 1시까지 웨비나를 아래와 같이 개최합니다. 

참가등록: https://www.alai.ca/en/local-activities 

The Copyright Year in Review

Activity run in ENGLISH

Date: Thursday, May 26, 2022 from noon to 1:00 PM (Montreal time)

1 hour of continuing legal education

Costs (taxes not included):

  • 10,00 $ for student members of ALAI
  • 25,00 $ for members of ALAI Canada and other national groups of ALAI
  • 50,00 $ for non-members


A return engagement for our speaker who will highlight the various developments in Canadian copyright law that have taken place since his talk last year.


  • Me Barry Sookman, McCarthy Tétreault LLP
