
Welcome and thank you all for
visiting the homepage of ALAI Korea.

Korea officially joined ALAI with the approval of ALAI member states at the Executive Committee held in Paris, France in March 2016.

ALAI is an Asssociation that played the most important role in the establishment of the Berne Convention, and involves all WIPO plans related to the copyright system. We are very proud of the fact that Korea is a member of ALAI, a representative of the International Copyright Law System, and we are very grateful to all of our supporters for helping us to achieve this goal.

We will continue to play an active role in introducing our copyright system overseas, and also to maintain awareness of international standards.

At a time when international cooperation regarding the copyright system is becoming more important due to the development of the Internet, ALAI Korea will continue to make efforts to establish a copyright law system suitable to the international standard through active interaction and sharing of information with overseas branches.

Thank you

President of ALAI Korea
Kim Kyungsuk