22.05.14 1954

ALAI Canada 세미나 공지 [일정: 5월31일-6월1일]

ALAI Canada에서는 "What Future for Copyright Law in Canada?​"의 주제로 2022년 5월31일과 6월1일 이틀간 세미나가 개최됩니다.​

등록: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/what-future-for-copyright-in-canada-tickets-327536128377

이하 내용을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 

What Future for Copyright Law in Canada? 

May 31, and June 1st, 2022

In English and French with simultaneous translation.

Location (in person) : Shaw Centre, Trillium Ballroom, Ottawa (virtual) : transmitted live on Zoom

A request for admissibility for 9.25 hours of Continuing Legal Education (CLE) has been filed before the Barreau du Québec.


The cultural sector has been calling for a review of the Copyright Act for years. On April 7th, in the federal budget, the Canadian government announced its intention to "ensure that the Copyright Act protects all creators and copyright holders", including "ensuring the sustainability of the educational book publishing industry, which includes fair compensation for creators and copyright holders". How can this legislative revision redirect the current system toward its primary mission of providing protection for creators and copyright holders?  

This event will address priority copyright issues for the cultural sector and promote discussion on modifications to the law with renowned experts from the legal and cultural sectors. Topics will include: 

  • Copyright and the diversity of Cultural Expressions.
  • The Consequences of the Access Copyright ruling.
  • Resale Rights.
  • Indigenous Creations.
  • Responsibility of Online Intermediaries.
  • Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

For detailed prgramming, click here.

Costs (taxes not included):

  • $15 for students
  • $60 for members of the CDEC and of ALAI
  • $175 for non-members
