22.04.01 1808

ALAI Canada 웨비나 공지 [일정: 4월5일]

 참가등록 https://www.alai.ca/fr/activites-locales/detail/que-retenir-du-droit-dauteur-europeen-anglaisenglish/30087 

A Primer on EU Copyright Law

Activity run in ENGLISH

Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 from noon to 1:00 PM (Montreal time)

1:00 of Continuing Legal Education.

Costs (taxes not included):

  • 10,00 $ for student members of ALAI

  • 25,00 $ for members of ALAI Canada and other national groups of ALAI

  • 50,00 $ for non-members


Because the European Union brings together 27 industrialised countries, developments in EU copyright law represent important information on the direction copyright law takes in general.  Decisions from the European Court of Justice, directives that require Member States to amend their laws, policy documents that canvas emerging issues all create an important body of norms that are discussed both within and outside the EU.  Our guest speaker, who has recently published a book on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, will guide us through the elements that are particularly relevant to our own Canadian debates.


  • Prof. Eleonora Rosati, Stockholm University, IPKat


참가 등록 https://www.alai.ca/fr/activites-locales/detail/que-retenir-du-droit-dauteur-europeen-anglaisenglish/30087 
